Along the western coastal bays and spectacular fjords of the Chilean Andes, numerous rivers run to the sea. The Aysen River and its extensive watershed flow majestically into the Pacific at the port of Chacabuco. Adventure begins here.

The Coyhaique-Aysen region is internationally known for fly-fishing.  Anglers come from around the world from October to late May to enjoy this once in a lifetime experience.

If you are a beginner or have wanted to learn to fly fish this is a fabulous opportunity. A perfect activity for couples, a time to make new friends, or go solo. The people living in Patagonia are warm and guides at lodges like Los Torreones Lodge are experienced, patient, and passionate. They love what they do and wish to share the beauty of Patagonia and joy of fly-fishing with one and all.

There is always a packing list.  Usually we focus on 'things'. Stuff.  What we bring back from our trips and adventures though, isn´t material, or tangible. Memories and feelings seem to make it into the carry on luggage back home.

Here´s my emotional packing list to help make sure we keep in perspective our gear and the reasons we are mid stream in the first place.

Emotional Packing List:

Humor.  Hook yourself or your dog? Fall into or out of the boat? Bring lunch but forget the plates? Drive off and leave your gear and one of your buddies behind? Catch a bat in mid cast?... Amos and Andy wouldn't have been able to top what happens spontaneously on a God trip… Be prepared for a good 'hoot and an howl'.

Patience. You can run out of goop but the angler who runs out of patience is no longer fishing. He´s complaining on some level. Unpleasant for companions and I've noticed the fish don´t seem to care when I've lost it.

Flexibility. Yeah you need it to get over, or under barb wire fences occasionally.  Or scramble onto log structure at the edge of a must cast into pool. But more than that I find with I bend and relax my inner flow mirrors, the river and my sense of self can merge with the stream, wind, floating line and whispering willows. 

Passion. You define it. It's yours. Personal up close. Never, ever , EVER forget to honor it.